Thursday, July 5, 2012

My people is the enemy (Crooked vultures)

You knocked on my door looking for a donation and boy did you get one. You wanted to change the world, through cheerleading. How sweet. Sure, come on in...
What? No quasi-erotic car wash with mothers pimping daughters in shorts and tube tops? You said that was already tried and barely covered the cost of supplies. I suspect that most men while desiring to actually be in your car wash, also know that is what everyone knows and so they avoid the stigma, especially when alone. 
The key is to not oversell. The car wash should look like Amish families until that is, you get behind the curtain and then it’s crew: teen-bangbus washing and team: school girl-jizzhut drying. Advertising? What for? The word will spread like a 6 roper money shot. 
You cued me in early that you were aware of how silly this all was but expectations from others were high. The pressure on. The duty to self, god and country is playing a song that demands you dance (strip?).
There is always a choice however. Like now. Alone with me. Mom away topping off gas in that ridiculously huge SUV she can barely see above the steering wheel in. Dad slaving away at work with his secretary who no longer bothers putting on panties. All this for what exactly?
We talk about good questions being more important than answers. You continue to move closer, brushing your hair with your fingers, realigning your legs so that no angle is denied me. 
Forget positive thinking, try positive action. So said the guardian article I had been reading concerning addictions and self help but to no avail. My loins are on fire. 
(In narcissism believing something is preferable to doing something because the former is about you and the latter is about everyone else.)
There is a tribe in the amazon that considers marriage such a bad notion that prior to it, a girl must first experience gang bangs and sex with as many non-husbands as possible. Semen and lots of it from various men could and should ‘build’ a child or so our ancestors prior to agriculture thought. The paternal responsibility fell to the entire tribe. 
“This understanding of how semen forms a child leads to some mighty interesting conclusions regarding "responsible" sexual behavior. Like mothers everywhere, a woman from these societies is eager to give her child every possible advantage in life. To this end, she'll typically seek out sex with an assortment of men. She'll solicit "contributions" from the best hunters, the best storytellers, the funniest, the kindest, the best-looking, the strongest and so on--in the hopes her child will literally absorb the essence of each.” - ‘Sex at Dawn’, Christopher Ryan
You however say that you want monogamy in your eventual marriage. That the thought of your lover thinking of another is just unbearable. Our thighs are now touching.
Monogamy--for you, and many others--includes not just what their partner does, but what they think as well. Good grief. The self help authors are wiping their asses with 100 dollar bills thanks to you and your idiot parents. The generation raised on television sitcoms has brought us all to the brink. Oh well. Nothing like a cliffhanger to end the season.
Needless to say, against my better intentions, current probation restrictions and most laws concerning minors, I gave you a sizable...contribution.
If we let ourselves drift along the stream of history, without knowing it, we shall have chosen the power of suicide, which is at the heart of the order to preserve the world, it is actually necessary that a genuine revolution take place. 

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