Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Aphrodite's Spell (Desoto Annex)

[Names have been changed to protect the *guilty*. To ensure there fate rests solely in my hands.]

Pan gave Echo something I never could. Children. Not her own of course but children none the less. It also pains me greatly to say that they shared a deep love and respect for music. They always did. Pan and I worked together over the years and I was clueless to the lust he held for my Echo.
By worked for - I hope you perceive of the less than legal sort. Being wrapped up in myself, as usual, I missed the connection.

What she could not know was that I was a pawn in Pan's elaborate scheme. I was taking the fall for his crime thinking at the time that he was helping me. So to make a long story short, he got the loot, the girl, and my downfall.
But he also got my full attention.

Echo, feeling betrayed by my seemingly less than zealous commitment to leave the criminal life behind found solace in all the wrong, ironic and ultimately deadliest of places. If you ask me he also put her in a trance. Truth is the trance was mine alone. Always in my own head, the object of my desire never took a material form, never properly "existed", instead she seems always to "insist". The realization brings no comfort. It is the abyss that stares back.

But before I could get to him, I had to survive my time inside. Kentucky thought it best to keep me alive by sending me to Arcadia in the Everglades. But Pan's people are everywhere and so it should come as no surprise to you that he helped orchestrate that move as well. Even running away means playing into his hand.
And so the only road to redemption is back through the way you came. That meant taking down two brothers. Pan's men inside. Henchmen of the finer sort. A handful.

Paniskoi (nicknamed Little Pan) and Faunus (nicknamed The Oracle).

'Cleaning' them and escaping Arcadia is what ultimately unleashed Nemesis. But that story is for another day. Who is Nemesis you ask?
Allow me to quote Bricktop, who said it best. "A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent." Personified in this case by one horrible cunt. Nemesis.


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